The Power of Using Your Evaluation & The Original Introduction ( The Video Retro 2014 – With A 2022 Update )

Hello Darling Friend,

I write these words from Portugal, 26th of July 2022, sitting before a window that is open to the world, to the valley, to the trees, the sky, a hammock that rocks in the wind.

I write to you, to advance the topic which was shared above.

I write to you to let you know context is more important than any of us know.

The context of the words above are meant to speak to you in a way that tells, you are the one who knows for yourself, you are the one who knows if what was shared is important for you to consider in your own life, wherever you are in your world.

The words I shared, matter more today than ever, because your attention, your mind, is being corrupted, stole, traded and bargained for on the commodities market of conscious and unconscious attention.

In life, there will never be anything more important that where you place your attention and where and how and with whom you give and share and lead your awareness as well.

These two lovers, awareness and attention, they are everything.

Cultivate them wisely.

It is what we are doing here right now; it is what we are focused on for the time being, the time that you are here in my world, sharing in my work, sharing in your work and in your world.







Your wants and desires, your dreams and curiosities, your attractions and repulsions…

They all matter.

And that is what is meant by being here with me, as the guardian of you, while you are the guru living amongst the world with which I am sharing here with you.

It’s beautiful, light, easy, kind, intense, emotional, felt, sensed, distressing, opening, challenging, unfamiliar and uncomfortable, and wholly rewarding for you.

I don’t know that it could be any other way.

It is loving…

Emeric Damian

Some time ago, a long time ago, 2014, I started to create content specifically to assist my clients to focus in on what they desired.

Amongst the many conversations we have had, there were a few topics that I knew had the potential to be used as a leverage point in their lives.

The secret that isn’t such a secret, even though it is often brushed over, buried, suppressed and ignored, is the being-ness that we seek, is indeed, the primary goal we wish to attain.

It is always within us.


We often ignore that and place our focus on external goals, desires, and validations.

This is not to say that those things are useless or misguided targets. It is to say, they are only a small part of the picture.

A true arrival, is knowing that, and recognizing that, it is not only who we are being that we desire to experience, but what our being is experiencing while we pursue whatever it is that we choose to pursue, even if we choose to pursue nothing, which is also a pursuit of a kind.

In some sense that is a secret that is buried within you.

You will know it when you know it for yourself.



The two videos below are getting at that point, driving toward that directive.

They are not the thing itself, but a point of attention and intention to live well.

You will understand more as you go into it.

Welcome To The Miracle Making Coaching Inner Circle…

From the 5 Minute Weekly Call That Will Transform Your Life…

It’s about evaluating your experience while creating your life, by letting go of incessantly spending times trying to reach goals.

We’re going to focus on the feelings, the energy, the excitement that you live with as you pursue your vision.

Why is this so powerful?

Belief in what you’re doing, belief in how you’re living, coupled with the support of the group will change everything for you faster and with greater ease than you’ve ever experienced.

And guess what, you’ll be rewarded for the journey.

Go here next….