What interest you may have in these words, I am uncertain.
I believe they may serve you as an example of creative living by and for you, for your own particular inclinations.
Para-mi, it is an experiment that I am running at this time.
One Hour Per Day Spent Following My Fancy…
Writing, creating, sharing…
Appreciating my interest, appreciating and valuing my life and time, by allowing for my curiosity to pay dividends.
By Wealth I Mean living a rich life of wonder and awe, following my fancy.
And letting that be the investments I make in myself, in the future, in humanity, in the world, in the cosmos, in consciousness itself if you will.
And that is statement to share with myself for myself.
You can come along for the ride if you want and I will share as much as I desire to share with you.
And more…
But the big swing comes now…
The Caveat…
You have to join my monthly newsletter to get the goods…
Now why would you want to do that?
Simple, there’s not a lot of creative thinking in the world and I live a different life and that life very well may serve you in unexpected ways.
You will be given the greatest secret of all time WINK WINK…
Ok.. I will tell you now, it’s about options.
But that’s all I am saying.
Love you, you wild beast,
Em. Cash.
P.S. This is a personal reminder, to everyday allow yourself to follow your fancy and produce content of one kind or another according to the fancy you follow.