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Come with me for a moment.

Out for a walk,
under the mysterious sky,
the castles close by and
a message
for you.

Thank you for being here, but I need some clarity…

I answer all my emails.



You know I want the best for you, for you to live your genius, your wonder, your wildness… Everything I share, moves in that direction, the expression of the existence called you.

Hugs and love…



It was that last year in proper University, the time before I started slipping into performances to watch professors profess, before I was taking my desire’s desires to heart.

It was for the sake of learning alone.

We are talking my 7th year in university and a class that was one of many beautiful terrors, the terror of beauty.

I can’t explain my struggle with Charles Baudelaire at this moment, but let’s say a French name to my naive glottal was lost and the resulting articulation was one for embarrassment to all who listened, particularly the professor, who corrected me thrice.

And while the Le Fleur du mal transformed my life, the moment I want to tip with you is Walter’s ways with the Aesthetic Movement…

Walter Pater…

I have never experience sentences of your kind.

And that was it.

The exploration of art for art’s sake, and then to find a sentence that kept turning my mind, wanting me to read it over and over and over, was unbelievable to my virginy mind.

A thousand blushes of naivety.

And this one book explained myself to me with words that I hadn’t yet discovered to put upon my own experience.

It had been my experience that being is it, being for the sake of being, being without having to be anything other than the beauty that is life.

And you are life. I am life. We are in existence, and beauty matters to me.

Everything Becomes A Blessing Upon Beauty, Upon Existence, And Life, Art Itself…

If your life is simply your art, than you experience things in a different way than most.

Every moment, when you are awake to it, becomes a part of your story, of your paintings, of your words.

And that only comes after the experience.

To have the experience, adn then turn the translation for others, well that is the art of sharing.

Art of a being is circular.

It lives like this, live and be, create and translate those experiences as you might, share or give away to others to ingest as they will.

And it becomes a kind of circular sensation.

Creating for pleasure…

There are transitional moments in all of it, in places that gifts you the opportunity to feel and emote, to experience and twist life all upon your body and mind.

It’s an excuse perhaps…

An excuse to fondle life completely…

But if you are the tongue and the taste, and the taster, you must believe that nothing turns on another like sharing the kiss.

We will speak more about this soon…

What of that sentence? The Sentence That Many Know…

18 years ago, I didn’t know its popularity, but like a taste of wonder, most who know, know…

But I no longer have the book, which I gave to a friend some time ago, but there is a quote not the one I wish to share, but one that speaks to so many, “To burn always with this hard gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life.

Who wouldn’t be attracted to such potential.

Hugs and love,
Emeric Damian


Follow along on this adventures and more importantly share your own if you are so inclined.

The two mentioned:

  • The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry by Walter Pater
  • Le Fleur du mal, by Charles Baudelaire

And hello my love,

It’s always a pleasure to be here with you for a few moments, to share an experience, an unfolding of the existence that we are sharing with each other.

There is nothing in our lives that keeps us from moving together, traveling together to exist upon the mystery.

So we play and we travel and we don’t stop, we keep running into the explorations.

Here I am in this moment, a motorcycle and an open country.

And in all of that beauty waiting for a taste of the living death. You know that sensation that asks you to acknowledge a whisper of hesitation, a slight of fear, a way of being the excites, even though it potentially torments.

And so here we are in that space, walking, running, riding and otherwise lying entwined in the universe.

Of course I said yes!

Wouldn’t you, I hope it’s true, that way we can dance and play and enjoy our days…

Love you,
Emeric Damian

The Ticket That Took Me There!

I’d love to buy you original art work from Portugal, delivered to your door where ever you are…

But why Portugal? They always ask.

It all started on a whim.

Almost two years ago, at 3 am in the morning after a night of too many innocuous cocktails, the kind that are crafted and poured over the appropriate sized square of ice, in the properly sized glass, a life was about to be turned upon adventure.

I decided to trade one life for another.

[continue reading…]

Watching the waves move the January sunshine, the distance pulls the mind into the infinite.

Somewhere in the world another soul speaks truth.

And we all dance in ways that no one can quite understand.

And at moments of grace, friends show their strength, the pleasure of knowing the ingenious wonder of creation.

We often don’t see what we are creating, particularly while we are in the creation, but from the outside, it becomes clear.

Dreams, visions, ideals, the ephemeral lives in the context of the viewer.

You see things.

You see things in others, in yourself, in the world.

The things you see others often don’t.

Why might that be?

Because you choose to see.

It’s that simple.

Ana Santos, all around amazing, the owner and creator of The Fisherman’s Hostel, a place that has touched and inspired more lives than one can imagine and in such a short period. What was today’s adventure, 2018 creative expressions.

To let ourselves be inspired by each other’s adventures and journeys, and to be supportive of those expressions whether they work out as imagined or not, is a beautiful way to live life.

I choose to see your genius, your creative expression.

Most people will if, you are at peace if they do not.

And then it doesn’t matter, because those who will, will and those who don’t, don’t.

Besides, you are now living in a different reality, a re-imagining of what is possible for you.

Hugs, love, and to the wonder of seeing,
Emeric Damian

Check out my radio station on Anchor and help me climb to the top of the charts!

Part of the journey of the exploration in the process of creation has to do to a great extent with time itself.

What is being shared here just the possibility to reconstruct reality as you desire it.

What of time?

What is possible when you reconstruct time to work in your favor as opposed to appear to work as a stress mechanism?

I want you to take time apart for yourself and understand it in ways that you might not have ever understood it.

Ciao for now!