Relationships Are The Only Thing You Have!
Your relationship to your health, wealth, family, friends, the environment you live in, the environment that lives in you.
This Program Will Open Your Eyes, Your Heart, And Give You The Power To Create What You Want In Life…
I Present to You LOVE CHEESE & The Relationship ROMP… Pure Pleasure Wrapped In Wonder & Delivered Via Email Directly To Your HEART & BRAIN…
“My way of conversation is not for everyone. In fact most people get frustrated with me because I don’t tell them how to think or what to do, and I will never give them advice about their relationships to anything.”
Dear Friend,
If you want the rare ability to have incredible relationships with all of life, especially with people you love, then this might be for you.
Here’s the deal :
I’ve created an email audio program called:
The Relationship Romp & Love Cheese.
However, it’s very intimate, private, and expensive.
And It’s definitely not for people with closed hearts and minds, who refuse to think for themselves and blame the world for their problems.
Here’s what I mean:
…Relationships are difficult, messy, and often cause a lot of suffering and they don’t have to, but they will because you are human.
It’s our desire to get away from the suffering and confusion that causes more suffering. Let’s talk about that… “
The Relationship Romp and Love Cheese”, is an online email and audio program…
You can find out more by filling in the form below.
Do You Break Your Own Heart Too?
Hi, I am Emeric Damian and I don’t know anything about you and your relationships, your hardships, your past nor your future.
I don’t know if you are happy, sad, frustrated, bored, turned on, and in love with life.
I do know that you are in a relationship.
I know that you are a master of relating because you have a lifetime of relating as well.
That means you are a professional in screwing up relationships.
Isn’t it so?
“It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way
And Here’s Why.”
Everyone has ideas about how relationships should be, how they should go, who should be with who, and who should leave who. Everyone seems to regard their opinion about relationships as if they have some expertise in the matter.
That is why we screw up relationships all the time.
We are know-it-alls.
We want to believe our opinions about everything are correct, but they aren’t.
I don’t know what is a good or bad opinion, a good or bad relationship, a proper healthy relationship, or a right relationship.
But guess what…
No one does.
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
For now, know this.
I am going to ask you, once you join, to send me a message.
I am going to ask you to do something very specific, very private, and very personal.
And I am going to guard your response close to my heart and with confidentiality.
But only if you are willing.
It will make sense soon.
Please note…
You are taking a risk being here with me.
You are going to join a program that is completely made up of my experience, which is composed of 40+ years of watching, observing, conversing, questioning, and helping others understand something deeply moving about themselves.
But first, I want to share something with you.
It’s an audio recording and I believe it will be valuable for you, at least other’s have told it me it was powerful for them.
It’s free and there is a reason for it, which I will share in the paid program.
Dedicated to bringing you more joy, ease, and peace of mind.
Emeric Damian
Because Now Is The Time To…
“Stop Trying So Hard And Live Your Life!”
Wouldn’t that be a relief?
Now I can’t say for sure you will have that experience, but you know better than anyone how good it feels to not give a hoot about all crap people pretend is important, but that no one really cares about when it comes down to it.
And you know the person who puts more rocks in your backpack sack than any other person is you. Isn’t that terribly true?
Everyone does it, but that isn’t a good excuse any more.
It’s time to let go of all you have been carrying around. It’s time to have a shift in perspective.
I’ll ask again, “Wouldn’t that be a relief if…”
You Find Yourself Not Being Bothered By Others Stupidity and Rudeness.
You Realize That You Are More Loveable Than You’ve Ever Imagined.
You find that you start having more fun interacting with other people.
Other People Won’t Be Able To Manipulate You.
You Feel Complete In Yourself.
You find you no longer feel like you NEED someone but that you WANT to be with someone.
Life may feel more of everything while not being overwhelmed by any of it.
You will learn that it’s part of being human to dominate or be dominated by another person and that it is okay and natural but…
You will come to understand your role in all of it.
Other people will respect you more once you begin to do these things, not that you are attached to their respect, nonetheless…
You will discover quickly that no one has the answers nor knows what is truly best for you and that this is important. However… You might not either and that is okay.
You will be challenged to ask questions, to take a stand for yourself, to demand more for yourself and from yourself and to do so while being free of negative and toxic judgment but you will use judgment as a strength.
You know those arguments and fights you get in, those fights over stupid things that don’t matter to you but you somehow find yourself in with other people, well now you’ll know why you do that and what to do about it.
This program is not the answer to your problems, your struggles, your life. Wouldn’t that be nice if it was that simple. Then again it very well may be.
You will have to find out for yourself how powerful and transforming it can be when you begin to ask what’s my role here.
You will come to understand that you aren’t a pushover and no one can use you unless of course, you want to be used, and some people do.
You will explore setting boundaries and how that naturally occurs once you begin to do what is shared in module #7.
You may come to realize you don’t need to be fixed.
And you are not here to save yourself.
You are here…
To live!
Dear Love,
“I hate you” seems to be so much easier to say then “I love you”, and I am not talking about you saying that to anyone other than yourself.
I gifted some friends access to the program on relationships that I created, most never made it past the third module. ( I usually never give anything away for free, not work material, but I was doing a social experiment and I wanted to understand something. My mad-scientist can’t help itself. )
A few never made it past the first audio.
You see the first audio has a requirement, that after you listen to it and do what it asks, that you email me so I can send the following modules.
Part of the first module asks them to say wonderful things about themselves, well there’s more than just that, but to a great extent saying good things about yourself, seems to be very difficult for most of us.
But when it comes to saying, “I am fat, lazy, stupid, etc. they have no problem coming up with 1001 statemsents to make a point about how terrible they are.
Isnt that interesting.
Some of my friends literally could not bring themselves to say more than one or two things that are beautiful about themselves.
Now it’s not my job to help them get past that.
That’s why people pay therapist. I don’t do that kind of work.
I just go along with what they say, yep fat, lazy, not so smart, so what. I’ve been all those things in some form or another and still am.
But that doesn’t really help them, because they see me very differently then I see myself.
And that is the point of the program, to come to understand our relationship with ourelves in ways that are uncomfrotable but yet fun and stupid in some way too.
What can I say I am lazy and not altogether perfect as some people think.
In fact if you go through the program, I am sure you will fin something to prove my point but that is okay.
Hopefully, you will see past it or let me know if it is a glaring error.
Life goes on.
I’m not discovering electrictiy or reinventing heart surgery.
I am in conversaton about your humaness and just how beatufiul that actually is.
If you are interested in that kind of thing then you might like the romp and love cheese…
Here’s the link…
p.s. Sometimes I like to hear from humans, so if you want to send me a reply do so and I will reply when I get a chance
You know what I have been having fun with laterly, is hearing about people’s worst experiences with writing in school. I don’t know, you might have been an ace student who never received the eye that tells…